Monday, September 26, 2011

"Forget Not"

 A message from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, of the 1st Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
(The following are highlights from his talk, quoted)

1. Forget not to be patient with yourself
 -God is aware that you are not perfect. He is also aware that those you think are perfect are not.
-It is part of your mortal experience that you have weaknesses. God wants to eventually bring all our weaknesses to strengths.
-Stop punishing yourself.
-Remember to be compassionate and patient with yourself.
-Our journey toward perfection is long, but we can find wonder and delight in even the tiniest steps in the journey.

2 – Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice
 -Acceptable sacrifice: giving up something good for something of far greater worth
-Am I committing my time and energies to the things that matter most?

3 – Forget not to be happy now.
 -Charlie and the Choc. Factory: People all over the world desperately endure to find the “golden ticket”. Some feel that their entire future happiness depends on whether or not a “golden ticket” will fall in their hands.
-So many people today are waiting for their “golden ticket”. i.e., freedom from stress or worry, a perfect, happy, marriage.
-When we put our happiness on hold, we could forget to notice the beautiful “forget-me-not” flowers that are all around us; the blessings that are all around us.

4 – Forget not the “Why” of the Gospel
 -We focus on what the Lord wants us to do and how we might do it, but we sometimes forget why.
-The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not an obligation, but a pathway.
- The Gospel is a light that penetrates mortality and illuminates the way before us., while understanding the what and the how of the Gospel is necessary, the eternal fire and majesty of the Gospel springs from the why.
-Let us not walk the path of discipleship with our eyes on the ground thinking only of the tasks and obligations before us. Let us not walk unaware with the beauties..that surround us.
-Seek out the majesty, the beauty, and the exhilarating joy of the why of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
-The what and how of obedience marks the way, and keeps us on the right path. The why of obedience sanctifies our actions.

5 – Forget not that the Lord loves you
-You are not forgotten
-No matter how dark your days may seem, how insignificant you feel, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten. In fact, He loves you with an infinite love.
-God loves you because you are His child.
-You are closer to Heaven than you suppose. You are destined for more than you can possibly imagine. Continue to increase in faith and personal righteousness, accept the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ as your way of life. Cherish the gift of activity in this great and true church. Treasure the gift of service in the blessed organization of Relief Society. Continue to strengthen homes and families.

For original talk:
Click HERE for video, Click HERE for text.
To learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, click HERE

You Are Never Forgotten

Click HERE for President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's Message to the sisters of the Relief Society, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. (Note: This is not only for the sisters, though. It is open for everyone to watch/listen/read. Such an amazing talk!)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Little Heaven on Earth

Just saw this on and I wanted to share it with all of you!
Temple marriage describes the place you go to have a marriage performed. Celestial marriage is what you create by being true to the sacred covenants you make during the temple marriage ceremony.” -Elder Robert D. Hales ("A Little Heaven on Earth")

It's true. You may get a temple marriage, but you can only have a Celestial marriage by living a worthy life with your spouse. How do you do that? Endure to the end. Live righteously and honestly through all your doings. When you get married you become a team, as one. Not just you and your spouse, but you, your spouse and the Lord. The more you work together the closer you make your marriage/family closer to Heavenly Father.

Other highlights of the talk:

"Do you realize that there is no one between the Lord and the sealer when he performs the sealing ordinance? It is a beautiful and a touching ceremony."

“As pertaining to the new and everlasting covenant [of marriage], it was instituted for the fulness of my glory; and he that receiveth a fulness thereof must and shall abide the law, or he shall be damned” -D&C 132:6

“Therefore, if a man marry him a wife in the world, and he marry her not by me nor by my word, and he covenant with her so long as he is in the world and she with him, their covenant and marriage are not of force when they are dead, and when they are out of the world; therefore, they are not bound by any law when they are out of the world" -D&C 132:15

"...unless we enter into celestial marriage, we cannot reach the highest degree of glory in the celestial kingdom." -D&C 131:1-4

"The aim of the gospel and the purpose of celestial marriage are not only to keep us together but also to make us eligible for our Heavenly Father’s highest reward: exaltation in the celestial kingdom, increase in that kingdom, and eternal life with our families."

LOVE THIS[perfect example]>>>"Celestial marriage is like climbing a mountain. You tie yourself to an eternal companion, and you start up the mountain. As children come along, you tie into them as well and continue your journey. The ropes will hold all of the mountain climbers together, but the wind, rain, snow, and ice—challenges of the world—will tear at you to pull you off that mountain.
"How do you reach the summit? If Mom or Dad gives up and cuts the rope that binds them to each other and their children, chances are that one or the other may fall off the mountain and perhaps pull down other family members with them. The whole family could fall off that mountain and not reach the eternal summit. We can’t take that chance. Let us always be mindful that as members of a family, we are tied to a mountain team that is attempting to return to the presence of our Heavenly Father."

Love this too!>>>"A marriage partnership is not a crutch. You do not marry somebody you think is a little higher than the angels and then lean on that person. Rather, you develop yourself and your own gifts and talents. As you develop, you grow together, supporting and strengthening one another."

“Therefore, strengthen your brethren in all your conversation, in all your prayers, in all your exhortations, and in all your doings” -D&C 108:7

"Make sure you sacrifice, share, and grow together."

"I ask you not to lean on your spouse as a crutch but to stand strong, strengthen each other, and ask for help as you pray together each night. I bear testimony that those moments in my life when I have been unhappy, depressed, or sad are when I have deviated, even to a minor degree, from the teachings of the Lord. That you might have true happiness and find the joy of a celestial marriage with a little heaven on earth is my prayer."
To find out more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, visit our site at

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Gratitude is a state of appreciation, an act of thanksgiving, which causes us to be humble because we recognize an act of kindness, service, or caring from someone else which lifts us and strengthens us.

Gratitude expressed to our Heavenly Father in prayer for what we have brings a calming peace- a peace which allows us to not canker our souls for what we don't have.

Gratitude brings a peace that helps us overcome the pain and adversity and failure.

D&C 46: 32 "And ye must give thanks unto God in the Spirit for whatsoever blessing ye are blessed with."

Gratitude on a daily basis means we express appreciation for what we have now without qualifications for what we had in the past or desire in the future.

A recognition of and appreciation for our gifts and talents which have been given also allows us to acknowledge the need for help and assistance from the gifts and talents possessed by others.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The strength of scriptures

For the last 9 or 10 months I have been faced with the greatest trial of my life thus far. I have been tried and tested. I have been through so much pain and anguish, it is hard to even comprehend how I did it and found strength through it.

When you are facing your own trials, look to the Lord and He will make you strong. He may not make the harships go away, but He will carry you through them. I have learned that with the Lord, you can make it through anything. I do testify this to be true. He is there. I know it because I feel it.

I have put together a group of scriptures and quotes that have given me strength to keep moving forward. They have brought so much comfort to me in my life, and I promise they will do so for you. Always have an open heart and mind, and allow the Spirit to fill your soul to help you through your struggles in your life.
And remember, through your life, always turn to the Lord and the scriptures. Never underestimate the power that they hold.

"Behold, thou art [insert your name], and I have spoken unto thee because of thy desires; therefore treasure up these words in thy heart. Be faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God, and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love."
~Doctrine & Covenants 6:20

"My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands."
~Doctrine & Covenants 121:7-9

"And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."
~Helaman 5:12

"Sometimes we live our lives normally but then, suddenly, we have several trials piled on us all at once. During these times a lot of stretching is required. When this happens, it is evidence that the Lord is confident that you are ready to learn and grow, and if we do our best to overcome these challenges, we are given strength and knowledge and wisdom."

"In many of the uncertainties and challenges we encounter in our lives, God requires us to do our best, to act and not be acted upon (see 2 Nephi 2:26), and to trust in Him. We may not see angels, hear heavenly voices, or receive overwhelming spiritual impressions. We frequently may press forward hoping and praying-but without absolute assurance-that we are acting in accordance with God's will. But as we honor our covenants and keep the commandments, as we strive ever more consistently to do good and to become better, we can walk with the confidence that God will guide our steps. And we can speak with the assurance that God will inspire our utterances. This is in part the meaning of the scripture that declares, 'Then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God' (D&C 121:45)."
-Elder David A. Bednar

"For God hath not given us the Spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
~2 Timothy 1:7

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." He will be a great comfort to you in your life during great trials and tribulation. Go to Him, and He shall lift those burdens and bring peace to your soul."
~Matthew 11:28-29
"Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed." With Heavenly Father's great and glorious plan, we should rejoice and prepare as best we can for that day when we shall see Him again. Live your life with faith and hope, having a sure foundation that God lives and that we may live with Him again."
~Doctrine & Covenants 123:17

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
~Ether 12:27

"..I have had great joy in thee already, because of the faithfulness and thy diligence, and thy patience and thy long-suffering (v.3)...thou didst bear all these things with patience because the Lord was with thee; and now thou knowest that the Lord did deliver thee (v.4) should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day. (v.5)"
~Alma 38: 3-5

"My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep. He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh. Behold, he hath heard my cry by day, and he hath given me knowledge by visions in the nighttime. And upon the wings of his Spirit hath my body been carried away upon exceedingly high mountains..."
~2 Nephi 4: 20-21, 23, 25

"I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness."
~John 12:46
"In the strength of the Lord I can do hard things"
~Young Women's theme for 2011

"Begin each day as if it were on purpose"
~Will Smith

"God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song, he also has become my salvation. Sing unto the Lord; for He hath done excellent things. Cry out and shout...for great is the Holy One of Israel."
~2 Nephi 22: 2, 5-6

"The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long"
"There comes a time in life when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. So, love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of LIFE, getting back up is LIVING."
“Though you may feel that no one can understand the depth of your despair, our Savior, Jesus Christ, understands. He suffered more than we can possibly imagine, and He did it for us; He did it for you. You are not alone.”
~Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"Living the gospel does not mean the storms of life will pass us by, but we will be better prepared to face them with serenity and peace. 'Search diligently, pray always, and be believing,' the Lord admonished, 'and all things shall work together for your good, if ye walk uprightly.'" 
~Joseph B. Wirthlin
"I testify to you that our promised blessings are beyond measure. Though the storm clouds may gather, though the rains may pour down upon us, our knowledge of the gospel and our love of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior will comfort and sustain us and bring joy to our hearts as we walk uprightly and keep the commandments. There will be nothing in this world that can defeat us. My beloved brothers and sisters, fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith. I declare that God lives and that He hears and answers our prayers. His Son, Jesus Christ, is our Savior and our Redeemer. Heaven's blessings await us."
~President Thomas S. Monson

Friday, September 2, 2011

Look to the Light

"I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness."
~John 12:46