Friday, April 20, 2012

10 Suggestions on Improving the Spiritual Rewards of Fasting

by Victor Ludlow

  1. Plan ahead, prepare your schedule so that you can start the fast properly on Saturday, and yourself spiritually so that you can be ready for the fast.
  2. Have a particular purpose or goal in mind as you begin the fast. Perhaps you desire some answers to doctrinal questions, help in solving a problem, or inspiration serving others. Select one primary goal on which you would like to concentrate while you fast.
  3. Start the fast with a private prayer-preferrably vocal-while you are alone on your knees. Remember, fasting without prayer is simply starving, and the Lord has not commanded us to starve ourselves.
  4. Keep the Spirit; use Saturday evening as part of your fast period. Keep activities uplifting. Prepare yourself in all ways for the Sabbath.
  5. Fast a full 24 hours, refraining from all food and drink, if possible. In case of health problems, fast according to your own limitations.
  6. Prepare to reach your goal; study the scriptures, draft possible solutions to problems, talk with your family and home teachers, write in your journal, etc.
  7. Attend all your church meetings on Sunday.
  8. Pay a full fast offering as determined by what you feel you should contribute to help the poor and needy. (Remember Isaiah's counsel in 58:7, 10)
  9. Just before concluding your fast, set aside 20-30 minutes to ponder, meditate, sort out possible solutions to a problem, etc. Read Moroni 10, especially the first 5 verses, for helpful counsel.
  10. End the fast with a private prayer and be sure to take time to listen for answers.

Monday, April 16, 2012

"Happy we should be"

I believe just about everyone has those things that you don't quite understand, and you know you never this life, at least. For me, this topic would be "Eternity". I do believe all the church stands for, what Heavenly Father and all the prophets have taught us through time regarding "The Plan of Happiness", or "Plan of Salvation", etc...I do believe it. Completely. But when I think about the word "eternity" and the meaning of it, and how there was no beginning of time, and there will be no end of literally gives me a headache. The topic has actually brought me to tears, on more than one occasion. I know that one day I will understand it all, because right now I have the "veil" that is keeping me from that understanding. But, when it gets brought up, or I am brought to the thought of this topic, it really concerns me. It's because I just don't get it. And I am totally fine with it! But this is why I try to avoid the thought of how the whole time/eternity thing works...because I don't get that perspective that those beyond the veil get.

Okay, so there's a little bit about me that you might have not cared to's quite pathetic, actually. Through frustrations and trouble with this topic, I have received comfort through it. It's like Heavenly Father is telling me that "everything will be okay, you will understand all in good time." Well, okay, I can accept that answer. Especially when I receive instant comfort from the thought of it. Let me tell you my recent experience with my "eternal" topic discussion.

On Sunday, we discussed the 7th chapter in "Teachings of Presidents of the Church: George Albert Smith". The chapter was called "The Immortality of the Soul." Yeah...soooo, much of "eternity" was touched in this discussion. I had to actually get a breath of fresh air. The moment I got back in, I said a little prayer to ease my mind. The teacher had us each go through, reading a paragraph at a time. The moment came that it was my turn, and I began to read, "What a happy people we should be with the knowledge we have that this probation is not to prepare us to die, but to live; that the Father's desire for us is that we may avoid every error and receive every truth, and by applying truth in our lives become more like Him, and become worthy to dwell with Him." As I was reading this, immediate comfort and realization came to me. I knew the Spirit was speaking to me personally. I know that Heavenly Father wanted me to read that, because I needed it. The first sentence, "What a happy people we should be...this probation is not to prepare us to die but to live.." Now, I already knew this. But the part where it says "live", made me realize that this is only but a small moment in time. If I really want to live a happy eternal life, I must do my best to make that happen! Why do we mess up in life? Because we are human. But we can control most of what we do! We can try our best in all that we do so that we can live with our families forever!! And most especially, with our loving Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Chris, forever!!! Why would He put us on this earth to gain an eternal life that is only "So-so"...or even miserable and unending? Obviously, that's not going to be the case. He loves us and wants us to be happy. There is a reason to it all. He has a plan. We need to show Him that we want to be a part of His plan!

Now, I do want to make it clear {in case I didn't before} that I have always believed, and continue to believe in Exaltation, and Eternal Life. These thoughts of concernment have not waivered my has merely just been hard for me to comprehend. Not that I was believing in something blindly, but I was merely just trying to have faith in my Heavenly Father, knowing that all will be well and that we will understand soon enough. I don't really know anyone, though, that completely understands how the whole "eternity" thing works...maybe I'm not the only one out there that gets like this with this subject, or any other for that I hope you understand where I'm coming from, or what I mean by what I have said.

If you would like to know more about anything that I have talked about {i.e. Plan of Salvation, Eternal Life, veil, etc..} or even just want to know more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, please click HERE for more information. Thank you for listening to me ramble on, you've been great! Have a great week!! =]