I was reading my scriptures tonight and I found this little story. I really like it and I absolutely love the things that Amulek said to Zeezrom. I hope you enjoy!
22. And Amulek said unto him: Yea, if it be according to the
a of the Lord, which is in me; for I shall say nothing which is contrary to the Spirit of the Lord. And Zeezrom said unto him: Behold, here are six onties of silver, and all these will I
b thee if thou wilt deny the existence of a Supreme Being.
23. Now Amulek said: O thou
a of hell, why
b ye me? Knowest thou that
the righteous yieldeth to no such temptations? 24. Believest thou that there is no God? I say unto you, Nay, thou knowest that there is a God, but thou lovest that a more than him. 25.
And now thou hast lied before God unto me. Thou saidst unto me—Behold these six onties, which are of great worth, I will give unto thee—when thou hadst it in thy heart to retain them from me; and it was only thy desire that I should deny the true and living God, that thou mightest have cause to destroy me. And now behold, for this great evil thou shalt have thy reward.
26. And Zeezrom said unto him: Thou sayest
there is a true and living God? 27. And Amulek said:
Yea, there is a true and living God. 28. Now Zeezrom said:
Is there more than one God? 30. Now Zeezrom said unto him again:
How knowest thou these things? 31. And he said:
An a hath made them known unto me. 32. And Zeezrom said again:
Who is he that shall come? Is it the Son of God? 33. And he said unto him,
Yea. 34. And Zeezrom said again:
Shall he save his people a their sins? And Amulek answered and said unto him:
I say unto you he shall not, for it is impossible for him to deny his word. 35. Now Zeezrom said unto the people: See that ye remember these things; for he said there is but one God; yet he saith that the Son of God shall come, but he shall
a save his people—as though he had authority to command God.
36. Now Amulek saith again unto him: Behold thou hast
a, for thou sayest that I spake as though I had authority to command God because I said he shall not save his people in their sins.
And I say unto you again that he cannot save them in their a; for I cannot deny his word, and he hath said that b unclean thing can inherit the c of heaven; therefore, how can ye be saved, except ye inherit the kingdom of heaven? Therefore, ye cannot be saved in your sins. 38. Now Zeezrom saith again unto him:
Is the Son of God the very Eternal Father? 39. And Amulek said unto him:
Yea, he is the very a of heaven and of earth, and b things which in them are; he is the beginning and the end, the first and the last; 40. And
he shall come into the a to b his people; and he shall c upon him the transgressions of those who believe on his name; and these are they that shall have eternal life, and salvation cometh to none else. 41. Therefore the wicked remain as though there had been
a redemption made, except it be the loosing of the bands of death; for behold,
the day cometh that b shall rise from the dead and stand before God, and be c according to their works. 42. Now, there is a death which is called a
temporal death; and the death of Christ shall loose the
a of this temporal death, that
all shall be raised from this temporal death. 43.
The spirit and the body shall be a again in its b form; both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper frame, even as we now are at this time; and
we shall be brought to stand before God, c even as we know now, and have a bright d of all our e. 44. Now,
this restoration shall come to all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female, both the wicked and the righteous; and even there shall not so much as a hair of their heads be lost; but
every thing shall be a to its perfect frame, as it is now, or in the body, and shall be brought and be arraigned before the bar of Christ the Son, and God the b, and the Holy Spirit, which is c Eternal God, to be d according to their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil. 45. Now, behold, I have spoken unto you concerning the
a of the mortal body, and also concerning the
b of the mortal body. I say unto you that this mortal body is
c to an
d body, that is from death, even from the first death unto life, that they can
e no more; their spirits uniting with their bodies, never to be divided; thus the whole becoming
f and immortal, that they can no more see corruption.
46. Now, when Amulek had finished these words the people began again to be astonished, and also Zeezrom began to tremble. And thus ended the words of Amulek, or this is all that I have written.