Sunday, March 6, 2011

Robert J. Matthews:

"Sitting at a well where people came to draw water and utilizing this setting to make a comparison between earthly water and the 'living water,' Jesus taught the woman that he was the Messiah. He said that if someone drank the water drawn from the well, that person would thirst again; but a person who drank the water He had to give would never thirst again. The woman doubted he could provide such water, because he had neither rope nor bucket and the well was deep. She also asked him if he thought he was greater than Jacob himself, who gave them the well. The whole episode compares secular things to spiritual. The woman was egrossed in the worldly things-the flesh, the natural water, the rope, the bucket. She could hardly grasp the idea of the 'living water,' and even when she began to believe, her response was that she would like some of that special kind of water so that she would never have to come again to the well to draw. She was still thinking in physical terms. It took some time before she could appreciate that the 'living water' Jesus could give would be like a flowing well 'springing up unto everlasting life'."

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