Here is his notes for his talk..Enjoy!
- "Attitude" of Gratitude
- It's more than just saying "Thank you"
- Gratitude must be sincere
- We show sincerity through our actions, as well as words, and that sincerity must be present at all times and not just after someone has done something for you.
- Gratitude to the Lord
- Why are we told to "remember" so often in the scriptures?
- Remembering a lot of times represents gratitude
- What are we "remembering?"
- To keep the commandments
- To build our lives on Christ
- To remember what the Lord has done for us
- King Benjamin emphasized the importance of gratitude in conjunction with service
- Mosiah 2:18-21
- Why/What else do we remember?
- It is part of our Baptismal Covenant to always remember the Sacrifice of the Atonement made by Christ
- Christ describes this in 3 Nephi 18:11
- When we forget, that's when problems start
- Laman and Lemuel
- 1 Nephi 7:11
- 1 Nephi 17:45
- "Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God"
- Children of Israel
- Another example of a lack in "sincere" gratitude
- Read Headings to Exodus 14-17
- Moses goes into Sinai, they quickly forget and worship a golden calf
- One of the main reasons for the lower law of Moses was so that the people would remember God!
- Deuteronomy 6:7-9
- Good examples of those who remembered to be grateful
- Story of Leper who returned
- Luke 17:12-19
- All 10 were obedient
- Was truly grateful and blessed for it.
- There are many good examples of gratitude in the scriptures
- Christ, Himself, is another good example
- Disciples are baptized and receive the Holy Ghost; he commands them to pray, and then he prays
- 3 Nephi 19:20
- the Disciples continued to pray unceasingly; Jesus prays again
- 3 Nephi 19:28
- Christ was the perfect example of gratitude
- Gratitude to our spouses
- Story of a family from mission
- Lack of gratitude
- She was baptized and he was not (her 2 kids were, too)
- He began to avoid her because of her decision to be baptized
- Resented her for the change she made in her life
- He was not grateful for anything that she did
- They divorced
- Story of last Christmas with the decorations and Brittany
- Gratitude is a form of service
- It feels good to be appreciated
- Strength in a marriage comes from happiness, love, and peace. These blessings come as a result of the presence of the Spirit in the home. When we show sincere gratitude to the Lord and to our spouses, we invite the Spirit into our homes.
- With Thanksgiving coming up, I wanted to share some of the things I am grateful to my wife for:
- Sher left school, friends, and family to be with me
- She works hard to provide for us while I'm in school
- She helps keep our home a clean place where the Spirit can dwell
- She makes me feel good about myself when I am down
- Saturday's test
- She puts up with my imperfections
- She led a clean and worthy life so that we could be married in the temple
- She has a testimony of Christ and of the Gospel
- I am also grateful to my Heavenly Father:
- Eternal Families
- Holy Ghost
- The Gospel (It's saving ordinances and covenants)
- Prophets and Scriptures
- Personal Revelation
- The Sacrifice of His Son
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